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Autumn Term

Check back here for photos and information about what we are getting up to in the Autumn Term.

Christmas Food Technology

We were so impresed with how well all of our children followed Mrs Tatham's instructions to create some amazing food technology Christmas surprises. We hope you are impressed with the finised product. We certainly are! See the galleries on our main class page for more photos.

Exploring Patterns in Numbers

We used a pictorial representation of numbers to explore factors, multiples, prime numbers, etc....... It was also a fun game!! See our gallery on the main class page for more pictures!


Drama in English

We used drama to consider what different characters in our text - The Boy At The Back Of The Class - might say about the adventure. We used reported speech sentences to record the ideas generated. There was some great written work but also some fantastic 'in role' acting! Check out the gallery on our main class page to see more photos!


Sewing in DT

We have really worked hard on our sewing in DT! We have revised running stitch and backstitch as well as learning how to do blanket stitch. These skills will come in very handy when we sew our marionettes. Look at the concentration on all those faces! There are lots of photos in the gallery on our main class page.


Pobble Day!

The children worked so hard this morning on their stories for our Pobble Day. It is going to be hard to choose which ones to publish on Pobble! Have a look at the gallery on our main class page to see some children concentrating very hard!


Choice Time

We all enjoyed a spooky film afternoon for our choice time in 5FK. It was a well earned couple of hours of relaxation after a busy and hard working half term! Check out the gallery on our main class page for more photos.



We have enjoyed learning new skills in lacrosse this half term and are looking forward to further developing our lacrosse skills after the holiday! Check out the gallery on our main class page for more photos!



The children had an art lesson today where they were learning about how to make shades, tones and tints. They were exploring how you can use different ratios of colour combinations to create different shades, tones and tints of colour. Here is an example of their work.