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Autumn Term

Autumn Term:

Please have a look at our Autumn term newsletter in the 'Files to Download' on our class homepage.

This year, we will be having a spelling test each week. We will be working through the words in the Y5/6 Spelling list. The list is available in the 'files to download' section of our homepage. (The words are numbered in the order they will be sent home.) We will also put each list in turn onto Spelling Shed for the children to practise.




These are topics that are linked to what we are learning about in school. They are designed as a 'way in' for you to chat about your child's learning with them. They might form a quick 30 second chat or develop into something bigger, depending upon your and your child's interests.

Monday 9th December - 

Ask your child to talk to you about:

1) Which unit of work have you enjoyed most this term and why?

2) What did you enjoy about The Demon Headmaster and would you like to read other books by Gillian Cross?

3) Where do you see graphs in everyday life?

This is our last Talk Topic until Jan.

Monday 2nd December - 

Ask your child to talk to you about:

1. Mental division. There is an example below of how you might think about it:

2. Practice the difference in there, their & they're.

3. What did you learn in our unit on Earth and Space and what would you still like to find out? 


Monday 25th November - 

Please ask your child to tell you about:

- What is your DT puppet going to be like? (Also - please start to collect any additional items you want to bring from home.) 

- What ways can we keep ourself safe online?

- What do we know about road safety and the Green Cross Code? 


Monday 18th November - 

Please ask your child to tell you about:

- Observe the moon and talk about the different phases.

- Talk about what an Anglo Saxon settlement was like.

- Explain 'short multiplication'. (Example below)

Monday 11th November - 

Please ask your child to tell you about:

- (From Tuesday) what you wrote about for your Pobble Day.

- French months and days of the week.

- What do you know about Greenland?


Monday 4th November - 

Please ask your child to tell you about:

- noun, www, sentences. Where do the commas go?

- what you now know about Antarctica that you didn't know before.

- why do we have day and night and different time zones?

Monday 28th October - 

Please ask your child to tell you about:

- What do the characters in the Demon Headmaster look like and how might you show this in a puppet?

- Explain the meaning of these homophones:which, witch, whose, who's, there, their, they're, your, you're.

- Have a look at the moon over the next few weeks. What do you notice? 

Monday 14th October - 

Please ask your child to tell you about:

- The Demon Headmaster story so far.

- Draw a bar model & describe it in a maths sentence. 

- The skills that you have learnt in lacrosse.


Monday 7th October - 

Please ask your child to tell you about: 

- How speech is punctuated. (Look in some books at home.)

- Why the Anglo Saxons came to Britain.

-  Ice formations.


Monday 30th September - 

Please ask your child to tell you about: 

- Which animals you would like to see at the zoo...in French.

- What different methods can you use to mentally add and subtract numbers? 

- Name all the planets in the Solar System in order.


Monday 23rd September - 

Please ask your child to tell you about: 

- What an O.(I.) sentence is (and how to punctuate it!). 

- What they've learnt in swimming so far.

- Their random acts of kindness. 


Monday 16th September - 

Ask your child to talk to you about:

- The helio- and geo- centric models of Earth and Space. 

- Sensible rules for safe internet use.

- What they know so far about the Anglo Saxons and Vikings. 


Monday 9th September - 

Ask your child to talk to you about: 

- Place value to millions, including decimals. 

- 'The more..., the more' sentence type. 

- Lacrosse