Flixton Primary Image

Spring Term

Please have a look at our Spring term newsletter in the 'Files to Download' on our class homepage.

10/03/20 Making torches

We worked in groups to follow instructions to make torches. This was part of our DT work on 'battery operated lights'. It was super tricky and the children had to show lots of resilience and patience. At the end of the afternoon, we had 6 functioning torches... Pretty good going!... Hopefully, what we have learnt in this session will help us to plan our own battery operated light! There are more photos in the gallery on our main class page.

05/03/20 World Book Day

Today the children celebrated 'World Book Day'. The children have been working on a persuasive piece of writing. They were given the task of doing a presentation that would persuade younger children to read a book they may not have heard of before. The Year 5 children chose some books and starting writing!  The children worked hard on their presentation. 2JW joined us and everyone had an amazing morning!

See the gallery for more photos!


03/03/20 Science

We investigated how the properties of materials make them suitable (or not suitable) for different uses. The children worked hard to investigate different materials and then produce scatter graphs of their findings. There are more photos in the gallery on our main class page.


27/02/20 DT

The children had to work in a team and show a lot of resilience when we made our own switches. This is a skill they will need in our project - "battery operated lights". There are more photos in the gallery on our main class page.


25/02/20 RE

Today we had a visit from an Islamic artist called Razwan. The children worked with him to create some Islamic caligraphy with bamboo pens and homemade ink which was made from soot.


See the gallery for more photos.


28/01/20 History

We looked at different primary and secondary sources to deduce more facts about the Vikings. We were particularly trying to show that they didn't just kill monks, burn and steal things! Mr Redmond also popped in to share some wisdom.... We now know that 'viking' was originally a verb! There are more photos in the gallery on our main class page.


22/1/20 - Art Lesson

Today was our second lesson on our new art topic 'Water'. Today the children were revising previous work on creating tints and shades whilst learning how to create tones of a colour. They explored different ratios of colour to white, black or grey and compared the affects this had on the original colour. There are more photos in the gallery on our main class page.












21/01/20 - Using 'Crumble'

We are the first class to use our new 'Crumble' kits to practise our coding. We had to follow instructions precisely as well as apply our learning from our 'Scratch' units of work. There are more photos in the gallery on our main class page.


18/1/20 - Gymnastic Lesson

Today was our second lesson with the gymnastics coach. Today they were practising their H balance, arabesque balance, teddy rolls and forward rolls. The children mastered these and are ready to move on to the next challenge! There are photos in the gallery on our main class page.



13/1/20 - Clarinet Lesson

We started our clarinet lessons today. Everyone listened carefully to the instructions and tried really hard. It turns out that even making a sound can be a bit tricky! However, we all got the hang of it in the end. It was not a quiet lesson! There are more photos in the gallery on our main class page.


7/1/20 - Science investigation

We worked in groups to devise our own question to investigate and then plan and carry out a fair test. There was great team work and some great scientific thinking! There are lots of photos in the gallery on our main class page.