Flixton Primary Image

4J 2023/24 2023 - 2024

Mrs Jones

Welcome to 4J!


Hello and welcome to your class page. This page will give you details of days for PE, library and any other things to remember.

I will keep updating it regularly with all the fun things that we get up to in Year 4.

Mrs Jones





A few things to remember:

  • Indoor PE: Wednesday
  • Outdoor PE: Tuesday
  • Times Tables Test: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
  • Spelling Test: Monday.
  • Reading Racetrack to be handed in every Friday.
  • Please make sure that you are accessing Maths Shed, TT Rockstars and Spelling Shed at least 3 times a week. There will be prizes for those children who go on regularly!!

Library: Wednesday


Please make sure that you are in the following PE Kit:

Plain White T-Shirt

Plain Navy (Dark Blue) Shorts

Pumps although you can use trainers for outdoor PE if you prefer. 

As the weather is getting colder, you may want to send your child into school with navy jogpants and a navy sweat top.

Please also make sure that children are not coming into school wearing 'FitBIts' or jewellery - thank you!


Our School Rules

We will be looking at the school rules and the 4Bs during our assembelies and our PSHCE time.



The children have been building bridges to secure their knowledge of the types of bridges we have and what makes them strong. 

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Summer Term

I have put the Summer Newsletter in the Files tab on this page.


Grounds Day

The children took part in a Grounds Day with Mr. Moutlon. They were making bridges, bricklaying, baking and mosaics.


Baking with Mrs. T

The children took part in a 'Bake Off' with Mrs. T. They were tasked to make either Chocolate Chip Cookies, Banana Muffins or Scones. The goodies were then judged by Mr. Redmond, Miss. Freeman and Mrs. Johnson. The children had an amazing time as you can see by the pictures. I will put the recipes up on to the class page if you would like to make some more over the holidays.



Rivers Trip

The children also went on our annual "Rivers and Bridges" trip to Moses Gate, Farnworth. We started off in Urmston Meadows before moving on to Farnworth, looking at the Rivers Mersey, Irwell and Croal. The children were then asked to draw a map of the the bridges that they encountered during their walk. The children had a fantastic time, securing their geography and DT learning. Pictures to follow.


Files to Download

4J 2023/24: News items

There are no News items to display

4J 2023/24: Gallery items

Year 4 DT gallery, by Mrs Young

4J 2023/24: Calendar items

There are no Calendar items to display