Flixton Primary Image

Nursery 2023/24 2023 - 2024

Mrs Young

Welcome to Nursery.

Mrs Brady, Mrs Young and Mrs Slattery


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Hello everyone, please keep checking the website to see what the children have been up to. There is lots of useful information on here too. Scroll down to have a look.





We want to say a massive thank you to you all for your incredibly generous gifts and for all the lovely cards. We have loved having the children this year, they have been an absolute delight. On a personal note, both the children and parents have made my transition from year 1 to nursery a doddle. I have really enjoyed working with the little ones. 

Thanks again and have a lovely summer, we look forward to seeing the children in their uniforms! 

Check out the gallery to see some graduation photos.

Mrs Young, Mrs Slattery and Mrs Brady xxx



As promised I have put the photos of the water fight in a gallery. It was so much fun, enjoy the pictures.



We had an amazing sports day this morning. Thank you so much for coming and supporting the children, they really enjoyed themselves and have loved looking at the photos. I have put them on the gallery so enjoy looking through.



We have had a fabulous treat this morning. Mrs Tatham has been to see us and we helped her to make some soup. The children used fabulous listening and cutting skills and we all sat down to taste the minestrone soup. It was quite the hit.

Photos are in the gallery. 



Hello, we have had a busy few weeks, I have added a new gallery with a few photos of the kids and the things that they have been up to. We have been making the most of our outdoor area and the few nice days we have had this year. I hope you have all been practising your oral blending and segmenting at home. Have a go at 'say and draw', you say 'can you draw a c-a-t?' and your child draws it, they then say 'can you draw a d-o-g?' and you draw. You can think of as many different things as possible, stick to CVC words to begin with, make your drawings very silly to add to the fun and get the other family members involved, you will have a h-oo-t!



Hi everyone, we have had a lovely week with the children since coming back off our holidays, they are all very grown up and showing me that they are getting ready for Reception. We have been doing lots of work on orally blending and segmenting words for reading and writing and we would love you to continue this at home. There are lots of games that you can play, try making some 'silly soup' by collecting objects that are consonant, vowel, consonant words (CVC) you could get a peg, a pen, a dog, a pig etc. Ask your child to put an item in the soup but 'sound talk' the item, eg. can you get the p-i-g? This is the skill of oral blending and they will need it to be able to read. Then ask them to pick an item for you, they have to 'sound talk' it too, this is oral segmenting and is the skill that they need for writing. Your child might find blending and segmenting tricky at first but lots of practice really helps so keep at it. If you have any questions then please come and ask. I have linked some websites for some more ideas....


A video that explains oral blending and segmenting


Some blending activities that you can do at home


Some segmenting activites that you can do at home. 



Down on the farm!!! We have had the most wonderful day, the children have been so well behaved, there was an awful lot of listening to do and they absolutely nailed it. We met so many different animals, we had a donkey ride, we went on a tractor ride, we fed the animals and we held lots of babies in pets corner. We want to say a massive thank you to all of the parents who came with us, we most certainly couldn't have done it without you. We also want to thank the PTA who made it financially possible.There are hundreds of photos in the gallery, please take a look. 


What an amazing week it has been. The children have been incredibly busy, they made their own icecream for tasting, they made dens so that they could pretend to be the three little pigs, some of them went to do grounds with Mr Moulton, they had lunch outside, they did loads of water play, they went to play on the field and they did phonics in the story circle, I am very sorry that I missed it all, check out the gallery to see a selection of the photos. This week is also going to be fabulous with our visit to the farm on Wednesday, we can't wait to see all of the animals, remember that the children need to dress approriately, both rain and sun is currently forecast so we will need coats and a good layer of sun cream applying in the morning. The children need a packed lunch with the same guidelines as school please. 



This week has been super busy, we loved playing out in the sun! We have been doing lots of planting and the children enjoyed moving their seedlings outside. We have been working on the outdoor area and the children loved using all the numbers we put up. We added a new sail so that we have a shady area over the mud pit. Inside, the sensory room is coming along nicely and it should be complete and ready to use in the next few weeks. We have extended the menu in the Thursday toast cafe and this week the children were able to choose rice crispies (3p) and milk (1p) or they could stick with toast (2p), butter (1p) and jam (1p). Their pouring, spreading and counting has absolutely blown me away, they are so independent! We have been working hard on '1 more' this week, can your child tell you one more than any given number to 5? We have also been learning initial sounds in phonics. Can your child tell you what sounds some of the objects in your house start with? e.g. 'I can see a candle, what sound does candle start with?' Have a lovely bank holiday weekend everyone. 



We have had a really busy few weeks since we have returned from the Easter holidays. The children settled back in really well, we were very proud of them all. This half term we are learning a new Talk 4 Writing story which is a condensed version of the three little pigs, this fits in beautifully with our trip to the farm in a few weeks. We have also opened a Thursday toast cafe, the children now have to butter their own toast and spread their own jam. They then pay for whatever they have had using the pennies we have in school, we are using it as an opportunity to do lots of adding and subtraction and even some missing number. I have popped some photos on so please take a look. 



What a week! We have done lots more planting and have talked lots about how when you nurture something it grows. We have discussed that this also applies to our friends so we have been trying hard to say nice things to people to make their soul grow! We tasted French fries and American mustard and we learned that fries come from Belgium but they are called French fries and they are eaten in America! How confusing! We went on a bear hunt this morning, we had a lovely chat to the bear afterwards and discovered that he was chasing us because he was lonley. We asked him lots of questions and it turns out that he is good friends with Paddington and Winnie! Who knew! Videos below.


We have had a great couple of weeks looking at Spring and growth. We sewed our own cressheads and sunflower seeds and we all talked about the things plants need to grow. We also had a lovely morning for world book day, we went over to the juniors and year 6 read us some fabulous stories. I was very proud of the children, they behaved beautifully and listened carefully to the juniors. Have a look in the gallery to see some pictures. 



This week we have had a fabulous time working on our mark making, check out the gallery to see a few pictures of some of the ways we mark make in Nursery. We have been looking at the number four in depth, we look at the numeral, word, what four looks like as a picture or on a five frame etc. We look at the way we can divide it into parts and how we can put parts together to make four. We do this with all the numbers to five. See if your child recognises the numerals and can show you four fingers, we have done four hunts in the classroom finding four of each object, you can help to consolidate your child's learning by trying this at home. Have a lovely weekend.



We have had a lovely week celebrating Lunar New Year, we used chopsticks to handle noodles for fine motor control, we tried on a dragon's head, we tasted vegetarian spring rolls and vegan prawn crackers and we made chinese lanterns. The children listened to the story of the animals of the zodiac and we watched a family celebrating new year. There are lots of photos in the gallery.



This week we have had lots of fun, we squeezed tennis ball with mouths and fed them lentils, we gave toilet rolls a load of haircuts and we performed our talk for writing story 'The Naughty Bus'. The video is at the bottom of the page.



Hello everyone, we had a wonderful morning this morning tasting 'morning afternoon tea'. We looked at England on a map, talked about what is involved in a traditional afternoon tea and watched a video all about teapots! The children tried cucumber sandwiches, Victoria sponge cake and decaffinated tea, we were amazed by how many children tried everything, even if they werent sure. The photos are on the gallery. Next week we will be visiting Greece on the map and we will be trying pitta and tzatziki! 



It's snowing!!!! Do you wanna build a snowman???? Oh the fun we had, playing in the snow followed by hot chocolate and toast. Wish us luck reuniting all the children with their gloves, please come and ask us if something is missing. Check out the gallery.


Hi everyone, the newsletter is on the website, scroll down the page and look at the files section. You will see the newsletter, named Nursery newsletter Spring, which is full of useful information on the upcoming term. Happy reading.



We had a wonderful, Christmassy week last week with lots of fun activities. We made our own gingerbread and then we tasted it together. We used all of our other senses before we tasted, we thought it smelled delicious and tasted even better. We had a wonderful Christmas dinner and the children astounded us with how well they ate. We finished with our Christmas sing-along. We were so proud of the children and they enjoyed performing in front of you all, so thank you for coming. As you know we break up on Wednesday 20th. Have a really lovely holidays and we look forward to seeing you on Monday 8th January.


Merry Christmas Everybody



We have had lots of fun this week and we completed many differnet activities. We practised cutting skills, squiggled while we wiggled with our flipper flappers to 'Proud Mary' and we tasted mince pies which were delish! Yesterday, we made our own butter by pouring double cream into a tub and shake, shake, shaking it until we had butter! Today, we used it for our toast! It was all very exciting. See the gallery for the pictures. 


We have had a fabulous morning, we were very lucky to be visited by the wonderful Mrs T. She came to help us decorate some Christmas buns. I was so very impressed with the children, they listened very carefully and followed instructions well. They have used their fine motor skills to manipulate the sugar paste and their maths skills to count out the various balls needed to make the designs. We had a lovely time. Have a look at the gallery to see.


We have been having a lovely time over the last few weeks. We have tasted cheese and pickled onion, we had toast Thursday and we have been doing lots of squiggle while you wiggle. This is an excellent way to practise the gross motor skills that help us to develop our fine motor skills for writing. check out the gallery for some pictures.


We have being having lots of fun over the past few weeks, so far this half term we tasted witches fingers (sweet potato wedges) for Halloween and samosas for Divali, we made a robot in junk modelling, we had fun with gloop, made breadstick sparklers and practised writing the first initial of our names using the correct formation. We also went to the library for the first time. Check out the gallery to see a few pictures. 

Toast time Thursdays- We are planning to introduce toast to the nursery morning routine, we will start with one day a week and see how that goes. There will be lots of learning opportunities including writing down their orders, spreading their own toppings and using nursery pennies to buy their slice! 


We have been tasting! Last week the children tried roasted butternut squash and this week we have had pumpkin bread. We used all of our senses to explore the foods, neither of them made much of a sound but we generally liked the smell, touch, look and taste! I am so proud of the children for tasting something new. Check out the gallery to see the photographs.


We have a new class bear. His job is to remind all of the children of our class rules. He keeps a close eye on the classroom and he looks out for children who tidy up when they have finished, who use kind hands with others and who look after our toys. He also looks for children who are being ready, being respectful, being responsible and believing in themselves but he understands that these are big concepts and he will continue to remind the children what they mean! 

Our bear has a name! Please say hello to Bruno! Thanks for all of your suggestions, the children had a vote and apparently it was unanimous. 




We had another great week being at one with nature! We made playdough hedgehogs, found signs of autumn frozen in ice and we made birdfeeders which we then hung outside. We have had so much fun, look at the gallery to see some snaps.



Thursday is library day. Mrs Jones will take the children to the library in groups to chose a book that interests them. We really want to instil a love of all things books and reading as early as possible. Please return your child's book every Thursday so that they can choose a new one. Lost books will cost £5 so please keep them somewhere safe.


Thanks to everyone who has brought in a puddle suit and wellies, I am sure that we will be getting our use out of them over the coming months. 

Toilet training- The children are at varying stages of their toilet training and we would really appreciate your help to teach them some independence- especially when it comes to wiping. I have added a link to a helpful website that teaches you to teach your child how to wipe their own bottoms.

Useful links-





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Nursery 2023/24: News items

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Nursery 2023/24: Gallery items

Graduation 2024!, by Mrs Young

Nursery water fight, by Mrs Young

Sports day, by Mrs Young

Nursery 2023/24: Calendar items

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